Thursday, April 16, 2009

I hate not having the Meijer ad in front of me. I didn't get it this week so I am thrown off a bit.
Kroger has quaker quakes rice snacks for $1 and there was a $1/1 c a few weeks ago, these are on sale through next week. Brut and Sauve deodorant are on sale for $1 each and of course they are out-but the shelf tag says they are on sale through 5/10.
Don't forget about the Kelloggs cereal (big box!) that is $2.18 and with the $1/1 coupon a few weeks ago that is .18 a box!! Eggo waffles are reg. price $1.49 and there was a .75/1 c in the same insert as the Kellogg cereal making the waffles, yup that's right FREE. I will try to keep up with posting what I am buying but I have been so busy this week with Upward that I honestly have not cooked anything all week! I have been using my extra grocery money to eat out (terrible, I know. Goes against EVERYTHING I talked about last class) I just got so behind, and Upward takes up A LOT of time. My new week starts today with my $160 weekly money and even after spending grocery money to eat out I still have over $60 left from last week. I am considering dropping my weekly budget down, and using that extra money to pay off debt. Anyway, we just had to get new tires for the van and new rotors and brake pads, so it is wise to have an emergency fund for things like this, so your eye lids don't start twitching when you find your tire totally flat while you are driving!


Leah Wentzel said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! everything always happens at once doesn't it? hang in there :)

Julie said...

Sorry you are so busy Kelli!! This week is crazy for me too, though probably not as bad as yours! At least the weather is nice today! A great day to go to two soccer practices right?

Julie said...

I forgot to tell you that I had a incident this week over the eggo waffles at the Kroger in Davison. They were marked on the box and the shelf as being $1.49 (or was it $1.29??) but were ringing up for $2.19! I went to customer service and got the difference back plus $5!! So I got them for free plus made $5 on them! That's a deal!

kelli said...

Awesome Julie!! I LOVE deals like that.