Monday, June 15, 2009

Sales this week

I don't have my coupons, they are in the car at GM with Dan so I will update this tomorrow with better numbers but this is what I have so far. Remember, Kroger in Genesee county doubles coupons up to $1 so these prices reflect that.

Meijer cheese slices 8 oz. .99 ea
Dynamo laundry detergent 100 oz buy 1 get 2 free
Aunt millies bread or buns 1.25-.35c=.55 ea
M &M or snickers frozen treats 1/2 off =$1/1 coupon
Ortega products 20% off .75/2 all you magazine coupon+ MM c
smuckers ice cream topping $1.75 -.75/1 c=$1
Honey maid grahams $2.50 $1/1 IP =$1.50
premium saltines, triscuits, wheat thins 1/2 off $1/1 IP
ziplock snack or sandwich 50 ct $1.67-.40c=.87

2 Bounty basic or extra soft paper towel single roll $1 =$1/2=FREE
3 Hunts snack pack $1 $1/3C from all you magazine last month 3/$1
Angel soft $1 .50/1 c FREE
2 Duncan hines brownie mix $1 .75/2 2/$1
3 Jello gelatin or pudding $1 $1/3 IP 3/$1
McCormick grill mates or grinders $1 .50/1 grillmates=FREE
pampers 8.99-$1c=$6.99
3 Sandies or chips deluxe cookies must buy 3 -get $1 off each when you buy 3. They end up being $1.69 after $1 deduction and use 3 $1/1 IP FREE+possible overage
Peppers $1
Broccoli crowns $1
tomatoes on the vine .99 pound


Bernadette Jacobs said...

Hey there,

Just got back from Kroger.. they also had a deal on M&Ms ice cream bars, still the big bic lighter things, Dawn Pure Essentials is on sale for $1.99 and if you have the $1.50 coupon they are .49 each. Also, Playtex disposable cleaning gloves are free and scotch lint rollers are near free. They also had Mikesells chips that wound up being next to nothing!

I got a car-full for $78!! Not bad!

Bernadette Jacobs said...

Also, the Duncan Hines cake mixes... if you still have the carrot cake coupon with the cream cheese frosting its free, both the cake mix and the frosting, after it doubles!

kelli said...

Thanks Bernadette! You always find great deals to add to my list!

Leah Wentzel said...

thanks for the list-sorry I have been so absent-I have a crazy life now :)

just a heads up, make sure your bounty coupons ($1 off 2) are doubling when you are buying the bounty paper towels that are 10/$10 because mine didn't.

kelli said...

mine doubled to $1.99 who knows???