Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New source of coupons

There is a new Kroger site where you can add coupons to your card and also help feed the hungry. The site is

Add your kroger card and then pick the coupons you want. You can only redeem each one once and they do not double but you can pair them with manufacturer coupons for extra savings.

Also, I learned something last night at Kroger. The cashier was new (first mistake) and he had no idea what he was doing. He scanned my kroger card last....and it took off the sale prices but did not double any of my coupons! The manager had to come over and do it manually and I think she messed up. My total seemed high so I will have to double check, but I will not let that happen again!

If any of you who don't use diapers, or Kroger diapers, would like to print some coupons off for me I would be happy to trade some coupons with you. If you go to the kroger website and click on get coupons there is a coupon for comforts diapers that you can print 2 times. I would appreciate it, I am going to start buying for people who may have a hard time with this expense. Thanks!

Coupon class is coming!!! Saturday at 11 a.m. we are going to review and focus more on swapping so bring your coupons (clipped or not) and let's do some trading!


Leah Wentzel said...

i'll try to print some for ya

Bernadette Jacobs said...

I always use the comforts diapers for Kate so if anyone has extra coupons I would gladly trade for them as well... also, check out my site I posted the other deals I found yesterday.