Monday, March 23, 2009

INCREDIBLE day at Kroger!

I have been doing this for almost a year now and it never gets old!! Today I was at Kroger and got 40 items for $8.66 and saved $95.73!! I had a cart full and took it to the car where my husband and kids were waiting and they couldn't believe how much I paid!! I went back in to take one of the kids to the restroom and the lady in there was behind me in line and was asking me where I got all the coupons and commenting on how cheap I got out of there. I was so proud!
what I got:

6 Aqua juice
3 2pk Oral B advantage toothbrushes
3 Johnson buddies soap scrubbies
3 Luden's throat drops
10 boxes Eggo waffles
2 6pk double roll toilet paper
2 kens dressings
2 Tylenol rapid release
2 Quaker oatmeal
1 reeses king size candy bar
1` box nature made vitamins
2 cartons tropicana OJ
1 2lt vernors
1 pk rubbermaid tupperware
1 blistex lip balm

Here is the breakdown:
6 Welches-Part of mega sale so 2.49 after .50 disc. + 2 BOGO c+2 .75/1 c + $1/1 c + $1.50/1 c= $3.49 for all if math is right

2 Kens dressing mega sale 1.49 $1/2 c=.50 ea
10 eggo waffles mega sale .99 10 $1/1 c (she doubled all to 1.49 so made .50 per box!) FREE + $5 overage
2 Tylenol mega sale 2.50 2 $1/1 c =.50 ea
3 2pk oral b toothbrushes markdown $1.89 3 $1/1 c= FREE
1 Vitamin markdown $2.69 $1/1 c=.69
1 Tupperware 1.99-$1/1 c FREE
Reeses candy-no coupon but markdown .89
1 blistex markdown .49 .35/1 c=free
3 ludens 1.89 $1/1 c=free
2 tropicana 2.39 $1/1c .39 ea
2 oatmeal $2/3 $1/2 c=.50 ea
3 J&J buddies 2.97=$3 catalina=free
2 tp 4.06 2 $2 c=4.12
vernors no coupon 1.67

3 hershey bliss $3 3 $1/1=$1 bag EGGSTRAVAGANZA at church-if you have coupons for these and don't want them I am still on a mission to buy tons of candy for the Easter outreach!
3 J&J buddies $2.97 -$3/3 coupon FREE
3 Ludens $1.89 $1/1 coupon FREE
Vitamins $2.39 $1/1 coupon .39!!
2 hersheys 100 cal boxes (7 ct) 1.69 2 .75/1 c= .19 ea
rubbermaid tupperware 1.99 $1/1 c= FREE
2 quaker fiber bars 2.50 2 $1/1 c=.50ea
2 quaker chewy bars 2.20 $1/2= 1.20 ea
3 Gal milk FREE w/ 4 quaker purchases
2 oj $2.39 $1/1 c .39 ea


Leah Wentzel said...

that is awesome, this week I just used coupons I already had for things that are always very close to free when the coupons double. nothing major to report about for me :)

Bernadette Jacobs said...

Hey I banked on the Quaker deal! 21 gallons of milk plus 28 boxes of cereals and bars for under $15! My freezer is full of milk!

Julie said...

Ahhh milk and cereal get together time at Bernadette's house . . .

Julie said...

You must have a huge freezer!! :-)

Bernadette Jacobs said...

I do have a huge freezer! Oh, and Kelli I went and got those wipes at Meijer... I spent $1.50 for $29.95 worth of wipes! Yay!

P.S. The new All You magazine at Wal-Mart has coupons for FREE Rimmel mascara. I bought two of the magazine for $5.00 total and got $14.00 worth of mascara for FREE!